- 6 years’ experience working with adults who stammer at an internationally renowned centre of excellence in London, UK
- A recognition that everybody who stammers is an individual for whom the experience of stammering is different
- A broad and extensive skill set to meet expectations for therapy, whether your focus is the outward aspects of stammering or whether you prefer to address the emotional and behavioural impact of stammering
- An effective working relationship, which is key for building trust
- Extensive experience with a range of psychological approaches including Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Solution Focused Brief Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Mindfulness, for stammering therapy

Tartamudez en Adultos
1% de los adultos tartamudean
- 1%
- 1%
Como adulto, tartamudear puede conducir a una variedad de respuestas emocionales, cambios de conducta, y sentimientos de angustia y ansiedad. En última instancia, tartamudear puede impedirle hacer lo que quiera en la vida. Puede ser difícil ser abierto y abordar sus experiencias negativas.
En los últimos años se ha hablado más del modelo social de tartamudeo. El movimiento del Orgullo Tartamudo abraza la idea de que cada uno es diferente y que tartamudear es sólo otra forma viable de comunicarse. Esto pone más énfasis en el papel del oyente, y de la sociedad, para aceptar el tartamudeo como parte de una imagen más amplia de la neurodiversidad y la diferencia.
Cualquiera que sea su perspectiva, no siempre es fácil encontrar la ayuda y la orientación adecuadas. Hacer un cambio, ya sea ser más abierto, buscar terapia, o manejar los pensamientos y sentimientos que ocurren, puede ser un primer paso útil pero difícil.
Enlaces de interés:
- Increased knowledge about stammering can help people to feel less worried and less anxious
- The assessment includes a detailed case history, including questions about stammering and its impact, and how it has changed over time. It involves the completion of written forms, so that all the relevant factors can be identified
- The assessment ends with a ‘formulation’, a description of the causes of stammering, the specific factors relevant for your speech, and what therapy would need to include
- Detailed recommendations and advice are provided, along with a clinical report
- The assessment is practical and recognises how important it is for you to leave the assessment with an understanding of stammering, as well as knowing what you can do and why you are doing it, and to feel able to try things out straight away
- Gives an increased understanding of stammering, its causes, and its impact, which combine to help you to feel more in charge
- Therapy sessions that build communication confidence and explore and address worry, anxiety, and stress around speaking situations
- Therapy includes options for targeted support with specific situations such as job interviews, work presentations, and introducing yourself
- Being more open about stammering, including discussing ways of letting others know what they can, should, and shouldn’t do to help
- Joint goal setting with specific targets, so that therapy addresses what you want it to address and moves at a pace which is comfortable